This blog post focuses on the concept of ACI contract priority, which is crucial for managing security policies within a Cisco ACI environment. In ACI, contracts are applied in a provider/consumer relationship, where leaf switches program security policies, known as zoning rules, into the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM). These zoning rules dictate actions such as permit, deny, redirect, or log, based on the source Endpoint Group (EPG), destination Endpoint Group (EPG), and filter criteria. Both the source and destination EPGs are represented by unique class IDs, referred to as pcTags. Zoning rules are configured per Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance, each with a unique scope and priority. Each rule has a designated priority, indicated by a numerical value. The priority of a zoning rule is inversely proportional to its numerical value— a zoning rule with a lower value (higher priority) will take precedence over one with a higher value (lower priority). This structure provides a robust and flexible mechanism for controlling network traffic and maintaining security within the ACI fabric.
Class-ID / pcTags
The class ID, or pcTag, of an Endpoint Group (EPG) is a unique identifier used within Cisco’s Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) to manage and apply contracts or policies to network traffic. This identifier plays a critical role in both intra-fabric communication and interactions between the ACI fabric and external networks. By using the pcTag, ACI can efficiently enforce security policies ensuring that the appropriate rules are applied to the correct traffic flows. This mechanism enables precise and scalable traffic management within the ACI environment, enhancing overall network security and performance.
Class ID are auto assigned based on the following scope:
- Class ID assignment scope:
- System Reserved pcTag – system internal rules (1-15)
- Globally scoped pcTag – for shared services (16-16384)
- Locally scoped pcTag – locally used per VRF (range from 16385-65535)
To verify the pcTag of an Endpoint Group (EPG) in Cisco’s Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), you can use the following method:
Log in to the APIC -> Navigate to the Tenant -> Operational -> Resource IDs -> EPGs

Zoning Rule and Contract Priority
Zoning rules are the backbone of security policy enforcement within a Cisco ACI fabric. They define how traffic flows between different Endpoint Groups (EPGs). These rules reside on the leaf switches and are programmed based on how contracts are configured.
Let’s delve deeper and dissect the actual output you might see when running ‘show zoning-rule scope <scope>’ command.
The output will typically display a table with several columns, each providing valuable information about the configured zoning rules. Here’s the output and a breakdown of the columns you’ll encounter:

Rule ID – a unique identifier assigned to a specific zoning rule programmed on TCAM.
SrcEPG – a pcTag (unique identifier) of a source EPG initiating the communication.
DstEPG – a pcTag (unique identifier) of a destination EPG intended to receive the communication.
FilterID – an ID of a filter entry used by the zoning rule to match against traffic flow between source and destination EPGs to apply an action.
Dir – this column indicates the direction of the zoning rule. uni-dir indicates unidirectional zoning rule. bi-dir and uni-dir-ignore are a paired unidirectional zoning rules. If compression is enabled both bi-dir and uni-dir-ignore use on hardware entry.
operSt – this indicates the operating state of the zoning rule. For zoning rule to function it should show as “enabled”.
Scope – this is a unique identifier of the VRF to which the zoning-rule applies.
Name – a name of the contract used to program the zoning rule.
Action – an action (deny, permit, redirect, log) the leaf switch will do if traffic flow matches the zoning rule entry.
Priority – the order of preference for zoning rules to apply on a traffic flow with multiple rules match. Remember, the lower the number, the higher the priority.
Zoning Rule Selection Algorithm
Rules to Choose between Same Priority Zoning Rules
While contract priorities offer a robust way to manage and enforce security policies in Cisco ACI, there can be scenarios where traffic flow matches multiple zoning rules with the same priority level. In these situations, additional factors come into play to determine which rule takes precedence. Here’s a breakdown of the tie-breaking mechanisms used by ACI:
- Deny + log wins over deny. Deny wins over redirect or permit
- Between permit and redirect
- A specific protocol wins over any
- A specific L4 destination wins over a L4 specific source (for permit and redirect only)
- Between redirect and permit, if the filters are the same, redirect wins over permit
- If there’s the same level of specificity the result is not deterministic, hence this configuration should not be used
- Rules with the log option win over rules with compression
- Rules configured for compression are hit before the ones that have no compression enabled
- “Default” is of higher priority than “implicit”
When multiple contracts (zoning rules) have the same priority, the following table illustrates the priority order.
A contract with a specific protocol, specific source, and destination Layer 4 (L4) port takes precedence, even if other zoning rules share the same priority. Conversely, a contract with unspecified (any) protocol, any source, and destination is considered less preferred, even if it shares the same priority as other rules.

Zoning Rule Priorities
Unenforced VRF
When the VRF’s ‘Policy Control Enforcement Preference’ is set to ‘unenforced’, communication is permitted without configuring any contracts between EPGs or Endpoint Security Groups (ESGs) within the VRF. In this case, the leaf switch programs a zoning rule that allows traffic flow from any source to any destination. The implicit zoning rule output for a VRF with unenforced policy control enforcement preference shows SrcEPG and DstEPG as 0, indicating ‘any’. The leaf programs this zoning rule with priority 21.

The priority of the vzAny contract (zoning rule) depends on whether the filter has the ethertype set to “unspecified” (i.e., any), or if the filter has the ethertype set to “IP” (or other specific ethertypes), and also on whether the zoning rule is between vzAny and vzAny or between an EPG and vzAny.
For priority with vzAny contracts, the following table illustrates the priority order:

Preferred Group
The preferred group feature enables unrestricted communication/access between a subset of EPGs|ESGs in a VRF that are members of the preferred group. Communication between members of the preferred group and non-members follows the regular contract application process.
When a preferred group is configured, deny zoning rule entries are created for each EPG|ESG excluded from the preferred group. These entries are as follows:
- From any to EPG|ESG excluded from preferred group with priority 19 (Rule ID: 4225 from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below )
- From EPG|ESG excluded from preferred group to any with priority 18 (Rule ID: 4265 from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below )
- Implicit deny rule for traffic from VRF class ID to any (Rule ID: 4184 from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below ). This entry is to deny traffic from L3Out EPG with subnet to any in the VRF.
- Implicit deny rule for traffic from any to 15 (Rule ID: 4274 from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below ). Always created unless a VRF is in unenforced mode. The priority changes to 19 from 22 with a preferred group. L3Out EPG with subnet uses Class ID 15 when used as a distention.
Additionally, the preferred group creates a permit zoning rule from any to any with priority 20 (highlighted in green on the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below – Rule ID: 4196). This policy rule allows unrestricted communication between EPGs|ESGs within the preferred group. Communication from non-preferred group member EPGs|ESGs is denied based on deny policy rules with priorities 18 and 19. For communication requirements between non-preferred group member EPGs|ESGs, a specific contract with a priority higher than 18 and 19 must be implemented.

Shared (inter-VRF) Contract
Inter-VRF traffic policy enforcement occurs on the consumer VRF. The provider VRF (as shown in Figure 11) includes an implicit zoning rule allowing inter-VRF traffic from provider EPGs|ESGs to pcTag 14, which is the system-reserved class ID for inter-VRF traffic. This implicit zoning rule permits provider-to-consumer traffic at the provider VRF without the “policy applied bit” being set. Inter-VRF contracts modify the class-ID (pcTag) of an EPG|ESG to a publicly defined range (16-16384).

The consumer VRF has an implicit zoning rule with a priority of 12 that denies traffic from provider EPG|ESG to any destination unless defined by an inter-VRF contract. For instance, Rule ID: 4174, from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below, denies traffic from EPG|ESG with class ID 25 to any destination unless explicitly allowed by Rule ID: 4108, from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below, which permits traffic between EPG 25 and EPG 16388 based on the contract Web_App_Contr.
Additionally, the consumer VRF includes zoning rules with priorities 10 and 11 for inter-VRF traffic when the consumer is vzAny. As shown in the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below, Rule IDs 4277 and 4270 facilitate traffic flow from provider EPG to vzAny consumer.

Standard Contract between EPG|ESG
Communication between endpoints in EPG, ESG, or extEPG requires a standard contract. However, communication between endpoints within the same EPG, ESG, or extEPG is allowed without a contract. The priority of the contract depends on the filter’s ethertype setting: if the ethertype is set to “unspecified” (i.e., any), it has a priority of 9; if the ethertype is set to “IP” or another specific ethertype, it has a priority of 7.

Taboo Contract Priority
A Taboo contract is used to deny specific types of traffic from any EPG to an EPG while allowing other traffic to pass through using standard contracts. When a Taboo contract is applied to an EPG or ESG, it takes precedence with a priority of 5, which is higher than the priority of standard contracts applied between EPGs or ESGs.

Intra-EPG Isolation and Contract Priority
Intra-EPG isolation prevents communication between endpoints within an EPG or ESG. This feature is enabled by setting intra-EPG isolation to “enforced” under the EPG Policy > General settings. For instance, Rule IDs 4222 and 4137, from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below, deny traffic between endpoints within an EPG with a priority of 2 due to this enforcement.
Conversely, an intra-EPG contract allows specific communications between endpoints within an EPG or ESG while intra-EPG isolation is enforced. This is configured under EPG > Contract as an intra-EPG contract. For example, Rule ID 4221, from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below, allows ICMP traffic between endpoints within an EPG with pcTag 49160, and Rule IDs 4260 and 4186, from the ‘show zoning-rule’ output below, permit port 80 traffic between endpoints within an EPG with pcTag 49155. Intra-EPG contracts have the highest priority of 1, ensuring they override the isolation enforcement for specified traffic types.

Priority for Deny filter
Deny action filters have four different priorities options:
- default level – The default level of deny action filters follows the same classification and priority as permit actions for the same EPG pair. The priority assigned to a deny action is consistent with the priority that would be assigned to a permit action within the same context.
- lowest priority – is equivalent to any-any rules with a specified ethertype (any_any_filter), which has a priority of 17. This ensures that such rules are applied with the least precedence, only taking effect when no higher-priority rules match the traffic.
- medium priority – is equivalent to the priority of source EPG to any rules or any to destination EPG rules with a specified ethertype (src_any_filter or dst_any_filter), which has a priority of 13 or 14. This ensures that these rules take precedence over lower priority rules but are overridden by higher priority rules
- highest priority – is equivalent to the priority of source EPG to destination EPG rules with a specified ethertype (fully_qual), which is 7. This ensures that these rules take precedence over most other rules, except those with an even higher priority.

Example scenarios
EPG1 and EPG2 have two contracts, as shown below, applied. Since both are using IPv4 as an ethertype, the priority is the same (7). Based on the section “Rules to Choose between Same Priority Zoning Rules”, deny rules take precedence over permit rules. Therefore, HTTP traffic between EPG1 and EPG2 will be denied.

EPG1 and EPG2 have two contracts, as shown below, applied. Since both are using IPv4 as an ethertype, the priority is the same (7). Based on the section “Rules to Choose between Same Priority Zoning Rules”, permit+log rules take precedence over permit rules. Therefore, any traffic between EPG1 and EPG2 will be permitted and logged, and the action for SSH traffic will be permit+log.

EPG1 and EPG2 have two contracts applied, as shown below. Since both are using IPv4 as an ethertype, the priority is the same (7). According to the section “Rules to Choose between Same Priority Zoning Rules”, a specific destination port wins over a specific source port for permit and redirect action. Therefore, SSH traffic sourced from port 100 between EPG1 and EPG2 will be permitted.

EPG1 and EPG2 have two contracts applied, as shown below. Since both are using IPv4 as an ethertype, the priority is 7 by default, but according to the section “Priority for Deny filter” above, the priority for deny with the ‘lowest priority, option is 17. Therefore, HTTPS traffic between EPG1 and EPG2 will be permitted.

Priority Infographic

Thank you very much Belete for the detailed explanation!!